GOP Rep. Refuses To Apologize For Disgusting Joke About Women And Domestic Violence

Kyle Tasker thinks domestic violence is a laughing matter. The New Hampshire Republican state representative took to Facebook this week to defend a fellow Republican, by attacking women and domestic violence survivors.

Tasker tried to stand up for Republican Mark Warden, who last year said that some people “like being in abusive relationships.”  “It’s a love-hate relationship,” Warden concluded.

On Facebook, Tasker posted an image which depicts two people, drawn as stick figures, apparently having oral sex, and captioned, “50,000 battered women and I still eat mine plain.”

MSNBC notes the “image is used on t-shirts sold online.”

The remarks were first reported—and screen capped—by New Hampshire blogger William Tucker.

Tasker, who represents Nottingham, has a history of colorful remarks on Facebook.

He once suggested that working with Democrats on the state’s Criminal Justice and Public Safety committee necessitated drinking alcohol. (This from a guy who once accidentally dropped a gun during a committee meeting.)

Blogger William Tucker also reported Tasker’s response, when criticized for the posting.

Tasker laughed it off when his post was criticized as “grossly inappropiate.”

“Nah,” Tasker replied. “I ran it by the [domestic violence] lobbyist she laughed. Now if we went around wearing the T-shirt that wouldn’t go over well.”

In December, Tasker hinted at a 2016 run for the U.S. Congress.

Image of Kyle Tasker via his Facebook page

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