GOP Lawmaker Tweets ‘Gay Male Lifespan Is 20 Years Less’ Than Straight Males’

A Republican state lawmaker from South Dakota has been in the news recently for his ugly and false claims about anal sex. Rep. Steve Hickey, who is also a Christian pastor, last week wrote a letter to the editor that he titled, “A One Way Alley for the Garbage Truck.” The title was his analogy about anal sex between two men. 

Today, his interview with the local South Dakota newspaper was aired online. In that interview, Rep. Hickey compared “gay sex” to “eight of your friends” taking “a dump in your bed.” 

Despite several attempts to get Rep. Hickey to understand that he is quoting refuted and junk science, he insists on graphically sharing lies that are proven to be false.

For example, around the same time as his interview, the South Dakota Democratic Party sent him a tweet with a quote from the American Psychological Association, “being gay is just as healthy as being straight.”

Here’s how Rep. Hickey responded:

Of course, the claim that gay men die 20 years younger than straight men is a lie, and was even refuted by the authors of the study. Rep. Hickey is either knowingly spreading false information – regardless of his source — or he’s incredibly ignorant and gullible.

Since Rep. Hickey is also a pastor, he’ll have to take up the “bearing false witness” issue with a higher authority.   

Image: screenshot via Argus Leader

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