GOP Candidate For Congress Running Because Government Taught Evolution Upsets His Daughter


U.S. Congressman Tim Walz is probably everything Democrats could hope for in Minnesota. He has a 90 percent rating from HRC, he supports a woman’s right to choose in all cases — including rape and incest and health of the mother — he is a strong advocate of education — actual, fact-based education —  and he when he was sworn in to office, he was the highest-ranking former military member in Congress. 

Last month, the Minnesota Republican Party’s convention met the candidates. This weekend, they chose — “by a landslide” — Congressman Walz’s GOP opponent to face him in the November midterm elections.

Meet Aaron Miller.

During last month’s convention, Miller “pitched” his story to the delegates.

The Mankato Free Press reports that Miller “shared a story about his daughter becoming very upset because she had to learn about evolution at school. He said his daughter told the teacher that she did not believe in evolution. He said the teacher expressed agreement with his daughter, but told her that they were forced to teach the lesson by the government.”

“There’s a war on our values by the government,” Miller said. “We should decide what is taught in our schools, not Washington, D.C.”

When asked for further detail, Miller declined to provide the name of the teacher in his story.

The education angle is apparently part of Miller’s stump speech. “I’m running for Congress because of my children,” The Raw Story says Miller told a Rochester Tea Party Patriots forum in February.

“I have two daughters, 14 and 9, and I’m concerned that I’m about ready to offer a country to my girls that is not better off than my parents offered me.”

The candidate later said that the federal government should not have a role in school curriculum.

“The more we can keep the decision making at the local level, the better off we are,” he opined.

Think Progress adds that his “views have earned Miller an endorsement from former state Rep. Allen Quist (R). Mother Jones points out that Quist has argued that it is only reasonable that people and dinosaurs coexisted and that the Book of Job offers science lessons.”

Hopefully, Rep. Walz has nothing to worry about, but you never know.

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