Gay Marriage Leads To More Children Being Gay — And Less Children — Says Perkins

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It must be hell being Tony Perkins.

Imagine if everywhere you turned you saw a conspiracy designed to end the world, people plotting the extinction of mankind, people trying to end civilization, reduce religion to rubble, spin the universe into a world filled with godless heathens whose only goal is the destruction of Christianity and mankind itself.

(I don’t know about you, but I’m already exhausted.)

On Friday on his “Washington Watch” radio show, Perkins — the head of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council — revealed what he believes is happening in the world today, and how events will play out.

Picture this.

Same-sex marriage advocates will advance marriage equality.

Homosexuality will be taught as something that is normal to school children.

Sex ed classes will teach kids how to have sex with people of the same gender.

School children will think being gay is cool and will want to try it out. (Perhaps like smoking, or joining the baseball team.)

Then, they will all, or mostly all, choose to be gay — since the stigma has been expunged.

Because so many children will turn gay, the birth rate will dramatically fall, the United States of America will be unable to keep up with the rest of the world, losing us our economic superpower status.


That’s basically what Perkins told a caller on Friday.

Memo to Mr. Perkins: Gay people are fully equipped to have children — biologically, in fact. We also are very happy to welcome into our families those children given up for adoption that your failed “abstinence-only” and anti-contraception policies have fostered. And we’re also just as good at parenting as our heterosexual peers.

Frankly, you should be thanking us.

Here’s the transcript and the audio, thanks to the good folks at Right Wing Watch.

Notice how Perkins keeps switching the topics, when he loses an argument with a very calm and sincere caller.

Seriously, how does anyone take Tony Perkins seriously?

By the way, Perkins is reportedly testing the waters for a U.S. Senate or U.S. House run, probably from Louisiana.

God help us all.


Perkins: There’s actually more of a historical basis for polygamy than there’s ever been for same-sex marriage because same-sex marriage has never existed for the last ten years at best.

Caller: Well it is a new thing I’ll grant you that, I understand that the phrasing ‘natural marriage’ is great, it fits really great on a bumper sticker, but I just don’t think it means anything and I’m trying to understand what that’s supposed to mean.

Perkins: How do you plan on giving birth to the next generation?

Caller: That’s the thing, how many same-sex marriages are there out there? What is it, 2 percent, 3 percent of the total number of marriages? I don’t think that we’re going to have to worry about the next generation.

Perkins: But if it’s normative and it’s normal then we would say we would want more of it if it’s beneficial.

Caller: Well no, I don’t think that’s it at all. People don’t suddenly one day decide to become gay, you’re either gay or you’re not. I’ve never met anyone who just scratched their head and went, ‘you know what I think I’m into guys now’ or ‘I think I’m into girls now,’ it just doesn’t happen.

Perkins: …Okay. What does that have to do with marriage? What does that have to do with redefining marriage, redefining the curriculum in our schools?

Caller: Well you’re saying that we have to worry about the next generation, I’m saying that there is a very small portion of the population, probably less than 10 percent, that are gay. I think that the next generation is going to come along whether we want it to or not, it’s not about—

Perkins: No, because what happens when you change and you say heterosexual marriage is the same as homosexual marriage, then you change the curriculum in your schools and you have kids, as a natural part of growing up and developing, they’re curious and they don’t know, and we’re exposing them to even more sexuality and overt sexual messages and we’re telling them, ‘hey experiment.’ And that is what leads, in many cases, to children going down a particular path, is early childhood sexual exposure, sometimes it’s traumatic. And by normalizing that and mainstreaming that, what you will do is you will have more children going down that path and that’s why they want to get this message into our schools.

Caller: I understand your argument but is there any data to support that?

Perkins: What do you mean any data to support it?

Caller: You are saying if you expose children to homosexuality you will have more homosexuals.

Perkins: Well if you sexualize a culture — I can tell you the data is very clear on what’s happened in the last 30 to 40 years where we have inundated young people, children, with sexual messages and they become sexually active. So when you take and mix into that homosexuality and other forms of sexuality into that, yes they are going to move down that path, they are going to engage in what you tell them about. That is why it’s problematic, that is why parents are upset about what is happening in Hawaii and other states that are teaching their kids how to engage in homosexual behavior, or heterosexual for that matter. I don’t want my kids that are 11, 12 and 13 years-old taught how to put on a condom or taught about how to engage in sexual behavior with someone who has HIV in a safe fashion. That is not what the schools should be about. They should be about teaching our kids to read, to write, to engage in science. How do we ever expect to compete globally when we’re fixated on teaching our kids about sex?

Image via FRC on Facebook

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