Fox News Manages To Find A Way To Pin Ft. Hood Shooting Blame On Obama (Video)

Leave it to the folks at Fox News to manage to find a way to blame President Barack Obama for everything bad that happens. Take yesterday’s tragic shooting — the second — at the Fort Hood military base in in Killeen, Texas. Three people were killed, and the shooter then reportedly died by his own hand. 16 were also wounded.

Of course, Fox & Friends this morning couldn’t help themselves, suggesting that guns don’t kill people, even people suffering from mental health issues aren’t to blame, Barack Obama is.

The alleged shooter, Ivan Lopez, who had served in Iraq, reportedly had suffered from PTSD. But was that the main reason three service members lost their lives?

“There you have our soldiers not being able to arm themselves,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck steamed. “Still, if they have a weapon, they are to register it within five days of purchase, and obtaining it. But then that must be stored away in these lockers so that it cannot be carried on their person, therefore leaving them vulnerable.”

And then, co-host Steve Doocy, decided to quote a far-right wing anti-Obama Tea Party blog.

“Gateway Pundit, which is a way right-leaning blog, what they write this morning is, ‘The Obama administration is responsible for this mass shooting. They witnessed this before, they didn’t learn a thing. Gun-free zones are death zones. It is time to stand up to the lunacy.’”

“You know what? They protect all of us, but they can’t protect themselves,” Doocy added, then took time to slam CNN’s Piers Morgan for this tweet:

(Refresh page if tweet does not appear)


“That just might be the dumbest tweet I’ve ever seen,” Hasselbeck said.

“If you have a dumber tweet, please send it to us,” Brian Kilmeade concluded.

Fair and balanced?





Hat tip and video: David Edwards at The Raw Story

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