Coke’s ‘America The Beautiful’ Commercial ‘In Your Face’ Effort To ‘Divide People’ Says Beck

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Coke’s “America the Beautiful” commercial may go down in history as one of the most controversial Super Bowl ads of all time — and the multi-billion dollar international conglomerate may not have even intended to spark any controversy at all.

Following a mass same-sex and opposite-sex wedding a week earlier at the Grammys, and another Super Bowl ad starring Cheerios’ multi-racial family, a beautiful rendition of “America the Beautiful” was offered by Coke on Super Bowl Sunday.

The beverage retailer renamed the patriotic song “It’s Beautiful,” and called it “a 60-second salute to all Americans and the Coca-Cola moments they share.”

Sounds harmless, right?

But America’s right wing couldn’t stomach the multi-cultural salute, sung by young american girls in different languages — including English.


Glenn Beck told his audience yesterday that “all this ad is” is “an in your face” effort “to divide us politically.”

Ironically, Beck, a 49-year old media mogul who is worth a reported $90 million did get one thing right.

“And if you don’t like it, if you’re offended by it, then you’re a racist. If you do like it, then you’re for immigration. That’s what is is. You’re for progress. That’s all it is.”


And failed one-term former Florida Congressman Allen West had plenty to say as well.

“If we cannot be proud enough as a country to sing “American the Beautiful” in English in a commercial during the Super Bowl, by a company as American as they come — doggone we are on the road to perdition. This was a truly disturbing commercial for me, what say you?”

Amusingly, on Twitter, some conservatives were complaining that Coke ruined the national anthem. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is America’s national anthem, not, “America the Beautiful.”

Other conservatives on Twitter had a lot to say too.

Take a look:


[View the story “#SpeakEnglish: Right Wing Freaks Out Over Coke Super Bowl Ad” on Storify]

Wait until they hear about this:

Beck video via Right Wing Watch

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