Christian Homeschooling Activist Who Made This Movie Is Running For Lt. Gov.

A Tea Party Republican running to become the Lt. Governor of South Carolina says that public schools are the “enemy” of Christians.

E. Ray Moore, Jr. is the president of Frontline Ministries and runs its Exodus Mandate program to “encourage and assist Christian families to leave Pharaoh’s school system (i.e. government schools) for the Promised Land of Christian schools or home schooling.”

He is also the executive producer of IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America.

“Sadly, most American Christian children are being discipled daily by pro-choice secularists, atheists, evolutionists, politicized bureaucrats, far left unions and oftentimes even child molesters,” the trailer’s website reads.

Under the guise of education the publicly funded monopoly of Government schools has engaged in a vast program of social engineering designed to eradicate the Christian faith from American life. This film warns Christians about the subversive and anti-Christian nature of the American education system and calls on all Christians to participate in a mass exodus from government education for the sake of their children and the future of America.

“Every Christian parent with a child in a government school should see this and be forced to confront their unwillingness to do what Scripture requires for the children on loan to them by God. A mass exodus from government schools is the only way to preserve the souls and minds of our children, whether it gets the attention of politicians or not…and it would.” — Cal Thomas, Fox News political contributor

Unsurprisingly, the trailer opens with a clip of Franklin Graham:



“We cannot win this war we’re in as long as we keep handing our children over to the enemy to educate,” Moore told a Tea Party “Liberty Rally” audience on April 12, according to the Raw Story.

“All of the symptoms, the things that we’re fighting and complaining about today has been caused because the culture has changed,” Moore said. “The culture has turned against God, against the Constitution, and against traditional values.”

“It’s fundamentally and largely responsible because of the public school system we’ve had (for) six or seven generations, when most of us have put our children in the godless, pagan school system,” Moore said. “It cannot be fixed, the socialistic model, and we need to abandon that. As conservatives and Christians, if you think you’re going to win this war you’re in, and leave your children in those schools, it will not happen.”

Moore is literally asking voters to place him in the second-highest office in the state. He could be in charge of what he calls “the enemy.”

Image: Screenshot via IndoctriNation

“E. Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.), has served for over thirty-five years in pastoral ministry as a campus pastor, a congregational minister, an Army Chaplain or Director of a Christian ministry,” his bio at Exodus Mandate reads.

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