Change.org Petition: ‘Gov. Mike Pence Allow The People Of Indiana To Vote On Your Marriage’

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The same-sex marriage battle is heating up in Indiana. Republicans, with the support of ultra-conservative governor Mike Pence, are attempting to pass a bill that would allow the people to vote on an amendment to the state constitution forever banning same-sex marriage, and any future attempts to even offer civil unions or domestic partnerships.

LGBT civil rights group Freedom Indiana published a poll finding on 34 percent of voters would support the amendment, while Republican lawmakers yesterday touted a poll that claims 53 percent support the ban.

Meanwhile, one same-sex marriage supporter has decided to turn the tables. In a Change.org petition, Robert Heuer is asking Indiana Governor Mike Pence to “allow the people of Indiana to vote on your marriage,” and “to vote on whether your marriage should be legally nullified.”

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is pushing the marriage discrimination amendment HJR-3 which would enshrine anti-gay discrimination in the Indiana Constitution, banning marriage equality in the State of Indiana.

In doing so, the Governor does not care that he is humiliating the children of LGBT Hoosiers by telling them the shameful lie that their families are inferior to the other famlies in their community.

To help Gov. Pence understand how this feels for LGBT Hoosiers, the People of Indiana should be able to vote on Pence’s marriage: whether to legally nullify it or allow his marriage to remain legally valid.

We challenge Gov. Pence to put his marriage on the November 2014 ballot as a referendum item.

Fair is Fair: Let the People Vote on Pence’s Marriage!

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