Breaking: Christie Lied, Knew About Bridge Lane Closures Says Former Top Aide

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In a startling development in “Bridgegate,” a former high school friend and top aide to Chris Christie says that the New Jersey governor knew about the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge as they were happening.

David Wildstein, who oversaw the lane closures, says in a letter obtained by the New York Times that “evidence exists … tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” earlier this month.

The damning allegation could derail any chance Christie has at higher office, and might be grounds for impeachment.

The Times adds that Wildstein “described the order to close the lanes as ‘the Christie administration’s order.'”

The letter stops short of stating who did order the closures.

Below, the video of the full Christie presser from earlier this month that Wildstein refers to:


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