After Exorcism, Bishop Says Married Gay Couples Should Be ‘Punished,’ Like Kids

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A controversial Roman Catholic Bishop is making waves again. Thomas John Paprocki, the Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, is very familiar with negative attention. In 2012, just before the November presidential election, Paprocki warned that any Catholic who votes for a Democrat may go to Hell, because a vote for any member of a party that supports sin makes the voter “morally complicit.”

“My job is not to tell you for whom you should vote,” the Springfield Bishop said before the elections. “But I do have a duty to speak out on moral issues. I would be abdicating this duty if I remained silent out of fear of sounding “political” and didn’t say anything about the morality of these issues. People of faith object to these platform positions that promote serious sins.”

Fast forward one year. On November 20, 2013, as Gov. Pat Quinn and other top elected leaders were giving amusing and heart-warming speeches leading up to the Illinois Governor’s signing of same-sex marriage into law, Bishop Paprocki was holding a marriage equality exorcism.

Yes, an exorcism.

“It is not hateful to say that an immoral action is sinful,” Bishop Paprocki said in his “homily.”

“On the contrary, the most compassionate thing we can do is help people to turn away from sin. To ignore another person’s wrongful actions is a sign of apathy or indifference, while fraternal correction is motivated by love for that person’s well-being, as can be seen by the fact that our Lord Jesus himself urged such correction.”

And now, Paprocki, in defending that exorcism, just strongly suggested that loving, married same-sex couples and their supporters don’t really understand love, and said that like spoiled children, sometimes they just need to be “punished.”

But Paprocki calls his opposition to same-sex marriage “a very loving thing.”

When asked how he would respond to those who call him a hater, Paprocki said, “You really have to understand what love is all about. Love is really to seek the best for people. And by being opposed to the redefinition of marriage, and being opposed to things that are sinful, that’s actually a very loving thing.”

He says that people who call him a hater do so because they aren’t getting what they want.

“Like any good parent will tell you that sometimes you have to disappoint your child, sometimes you have to say ‘no’ and sometimes you even have to punish them.”

And sometimes — after years of emotional abuse — grown, adult children sometimes have to tell their “parents” — aka, in this case, true Church — goodbye.


Video and hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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