After Centuries Of Oppression, George Will Laments LGBT People Now ‘Sore Winners’

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};George Will on Fox News Sunday decided to stand up for the civil rights of LGBT people by complaining that gays are now “sore winners.” The conservative commentator who recently moved to Fox News from ABC, agreed that America’s 50-year old public accommodations portion of the Civil Rights Act — “one of the great legislative achievements of American history,” he called it — should be respected. “If you open your doors to business in the United States you open it to everybody. That’s a settled issue and the prestige of that law, the just prestige of that law and I think that’s where the American people come down.”



Except, it’s George Will we’re talking about.

“That said, this too must be said,” Will, who just couldn’t leave well-enough alone, continued. “It’s a funny kind of sore winner, in the gay rights movement, that would say, ‘A photographer doesn’t want to photograph my wedding. I’ve got lots of other photographers I could go to, but I’m going to use the hammer of government to force them to do this.'”

Of course, Will, who is 72-years old, white, was born in Illinois and lives in Washington, D.C., probably has never had to ever deal with discrimination. LGBT people have dealt with centuries of oppression. Just because the stone slab is lifting doesn’t mean it won’t come crashing down again. Forgive us if we’d like to permanently secure what you wake up to every morning never having to think about: equality.

“It’s not neighborly and it’s not nice,” Will lamented. “The gay rights movement is winning. They should be, as I say, not sore winners.”

Of course, the LGBT civil rights movement would be nowhere if individuals like Edie Windsor didn’t sued the government over DOMA, or if individuals like Vanessa Willock didn’t sue Elaine Photography SEVEN YEARS AGO, George, when these cases were new, to obtain our civil rights.

Neighborly and nice is all well and good, but sometimes you have to “use the hammer of government” to secure what’s rightly yours.

And to be clear, in none of these cases — photographers, bakers, etc. — does the government force these business owners to serve the same-sex couples who sue them. These businesses, too, don’t face jail, and often don’t even have to pay fines.

But Will, to quote Scott Porch, “is perhaps the most intellectually dishonest ‘intellectual’ in a city awash with intellectual dishonesty.”




Hat tip: The Raw Story

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