‘Arrest And Hang’: GOP State Candidate Calls For Obama’s ‘Execution’

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A Republican candidate for the Florida House is calling for the arrest and execution by hanging of President Barack Obama for treason — but only after a trial.

Joshua Black, whose candidate website notes he got involved in politics for the first time in 2012, says he was homeschooled, is one of ten children, and laments that “Republicans have a serious communication problem.”

Everything we say sounds like spears. We find ways to energize our core supporters, the people who will always only ever vote Republican, but we have a hard time explaining to anyone else why they should listen to our solutions.

Black, an advocate of nullification, also has very active Twitter and Facebook accounts.

That’s where he made his comments yesterday — Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday — and that’s where he says the Secret Service has already paid him a visit.

Here are the tweets that, if Black is telling the truth, brought the Secret Service to his door:



Black’s “followers” are far from supportive.

His Facebook page is filled with comments like, “Clueless about history too. Not a surprise. Idiot,” “READ A BOOK! OMG,” “You are an idiot and just shot any political aspirations you may have had in the proverbial dick. Good luck explaining to the world why it is a good idea to call for the lynching of our first black president. Douche,” and “You deserve an arrest and a trial and a felony conviction for this kind of remark.”

Think Progress reports that Black is “a taxi driver and former street evangelist,” and “is challenging state Rep. Dwight Dudley (D) this November in the St. Petersburg-based 68th district.”

Pinellas Republican Chairman Michael Guju told the Tampa Bay Times that Black’s comments were “wholly unacceptable and unduly provocative.”

And Florida’s Republican governor Rick Scott is also denouncing Black.

Looks like a win for the Democrat.

Image via Joshua Black’s Facebook page

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