Yelling “Fire!” In A Crowded Blogosphere

Yesterday I shared a slightly personal story. It seems I am being forced to again today!

This afternoon, on my way home from the gym, I noticed an impenetrable cloud of smoke coming from my block, along with several fire engines and emergency vehicles. There was a rather large fire, either in a train tunnel or in the basement of a nearby hotel.

Regardless of where the fire was, it has been put out, but so has my Internet and cable TV service. Time Warner claims they are not being allowed access to the area to make whatever repairs are needed.

I’ll be working from a Starbucks, or perhaps I’ll find a cute coffee shop with Wi-Fi tomorrow, and will get back to work. (Suggestions are most welcomed!)

Until then, enjoy your Internet service. Feel free to leave me comments if there’s anything you’d like me to cover tomorrow!

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