Worley: ’40 Years Ago Gays Would’ve Hung, Bless God, From A White Oak Tree’

North Carolina Pastor Charles L. Worley, whose call for genocide-like concentration camps for all gay people has made headlines this week, has a long, long history of wishing gay people death.

As Jeremy Hooper of Good As You first reported, Pastor Worley for decades has been calling for the death of gay people. In an April 30, 1978 sermon, Worley lamented that gay people weren’t being hung from trees anymore.

In this audio clip Hooper unearthed, Pastor Worley clearly says, “I’m God’s preacher. I just believe the book,” then says:

We’re living in a day when you know what it saddens my heart to think homosexuals can go around, bless God, and get the applause of a lot of people. Lesbians and all the rest of it!

But then, if that weren’t wretched enough, Pastor Worley says:

40 years ago [gay people] would’ve hung, bless God, from a white oak tree!

Hooper comments:

The truly remarkable thing? Of all of his old sermons, *this* is one that someone at his church felt worthy of posting to the Internet for posterity’s sake.

If this is your first brush with Pastor Charles Worley, let me remind you of his comments on Mother’s Day of this year, just ten days ago:

“Build a great, big, large fence — 150 or 100 mile long — put all the lesbians in there,” Pastor Worley says, as his sermon builds. ”Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can’t get out…and you know what, in a few years, they’ll die out…do you know why? They can’t reproduce!”

Worley also said “God’s against it,” referring to same-sex marriage, and, homosexuals and/or same-sex sexual relations make him “pukin’ sick.”

And, speaking about President Obama, and thus, possibly violating IRS regulations, Worley cried, “I’m not going to vote for a baby killer and a homosexual lover!”

Worley is fully supported by his congregation, as we reported earlier today:

“So he had every right to say what he said, about putting them in a pen, feeding them. The Bible says they’re worthy of death. He only preaches the word,” says Geneva Sims of the Pastor’s plan to kill gay people. Sims is a parishioner of Pastor Worley and fully supports him.

Another supporter, Stacey Pritchard says, “Sometimes you gotta be scared straight.”

Remember, Pastor Worley, being the head of a church, is able to be tax exempt, which means your tax dollars are essentially supporting his hate speech. Also, remember, that if this were almost any other civilized country, say, Great Britain, Pastor Worley would be in jail.

The Bible is not an acceptable excuse to suggest gay people should be killed, nor is it OK to muse on how to accomplish it while you’re delivering a sermon in God’s name.


Learn how you can take action against Pastor Worley.


Worley’s Church Members Support Pastor And Bible: Gays ‘Worthy Of Death’

Lesbian Church Attendee Of ‘Genocide For Gays’ Pastor Worley Speaks

Concentration Camp For Gays Pastor: America Reacts With Petitions And Protest

Anderson Cooper And Martin Bashir Take On Genocide For Gays Pastor

Pastor Who Suggested Genocide-Like Concentration Camps For Gays Loses Website

Genocide? Pastor Says Kill All ‘Queers And Homosexuals’ By Airlifting Into Electric Pen



As a side note, my friend and fellow blogger Jeremy Hooper does an amazing job. I hope you visit his site often and if you’re a member of the media, make sure you’re crediting him for his work. A link and an attribution costs you nothing. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s tacky if you appropriate someone else’s work without at least acknowledging their efforts. It can also be a violation of copyright laws. 

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