WND: Obama Stole The Election And Has Confessed — Unconsciously

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A World Net Daily (WND) article claims President Obama stole the election — twice — and “appears to unconsciously confess,” according to Andrew G. Hodges, M.D, a “forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder.”

World Net Daily is home to more conspiracy theories than you can shake a stick at, including the Birther fringe and the “Obama is gay” freaks.

Hodges is the author of eight books, including, The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury.

Bob Unruh at WND writes:

“Obama appears to unconsciously confess on multiple occasions that in his secret fury he stole the 2012 presidential election – continuing his attacks on our nation,” Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., told WND in an assessment of Obama.

“But really that is no different whatsoever than in 2008 becoming an illegal president who violated the Constitution. This knowledge comes from one undeniable fact: we have discovered a new unconscious mind that continually quick-reads situations and communicates about it – as Obama reveals.”

“Obama’s deeper moral compass continues to provide guidance to America on how to combat his assaults. In his U.N. speech he repeatedly referred to courageous protesters. ‘They should give us hope… remind us that so long as we work for it justice will be done; that history is on our side; and that a rising tide of liberty will never be reversed.’ Repeatedly, he tells us ‘protest,’ ‘march for justice’ and we can become a rising tide. Citizens still have the power,” Hodges said.

“One thing is for certain – if Obama stole this election he would confess unconsciously. We now review that possibility from his own mind, listening for his all-seeing unconscious super intelligence to once more tell us how he truly sees himself deep down. As I described in my book, ‘The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,’ Obama has repeatedly confessed to his misdeeds of his illegal presidency and sweeping attack on America for four years.”

The wingnuttery is almost delicious.

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