Will This Tweet End The GOP? Matt Drudge Is Done Voting For The Republican Party

Right wing conservative Matt Drudge, whose Drudge Report website is the blood that seemingly flows through every lunatic Republican politician and most Tea Party members, today may have rocked his readership into oblivion.

In a series of tweets, Drudge (image, top,) who makes over a million dollars annually, said, “It’s now Authoritarian vs. Libertarian. Since Democrats vs. Republicans has been obliterated, no real difference between parties…,” and added, “Why would anyone vote Republican? Please give reason. Raised taxes; marching us off to war again; approved more NSA snooping. WHO ARE THEY?!”

Curiously, Drudge a few days ago also sent out this tweet, presumably in response to President Obama’s Syria proposal.

Quantcast reports that the Drudge Report was seen by over 20 million people last month, who visited over 133 million times, for a total of more than 767 million page views. (We’re only mildly envious here at The New Civil Rights Movement.)

The web measurement company also notes that the vast majority of Drudge’s readers are male, with the largest group being 65 and older, and consecutively scaling down from there.


Hat tip: Talking Points Memo


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