Why Gawker Wants You To Vote Against Monserrate

Why Gawker Wants You To Vote Against Monserrate.

Gawker very kindly linked to my “Anti-Gay Flyers Distributed In NYC Churches By Monserrate Supporters” piece today. Politics Staff Writer Alex Pareene, in “Face-Slasher Hiram Monserrate Just Getting More Vile Every Day,” wrote,

Peralta, who (as far as we know) has never violently attacked the woman he lives with and then dragged her out of the apartment against her will (on camera) and then driven her to a hospital that he thought was outside of city limits, supports the rights of two people who don’t violently attack each other to get married, even if they both have penises (or neither of them have penises). Apparently the man who did slash his girlfriend’s face open thinks that such marriages will somehow damage his eventual marriage to the woman he attacked.

Gotta love it!

And, good enough for me. If I lived in Queens, I’d vote for Peralta!

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