Who Needs The Fourth Of July When You Can Celebrate Your Ex-Gay Independence Pride All Month Long?

The Family Research Council has created two new fake “ex-gay” groups to further their rabidly anti-gay agenda. In honor of this attack, they are declaring July “Ex-Gay Month.”

Anti-gay conservatives are having a really rough time. You should definitely go to Amazon and send them a carton of Kleenex. Anti-gay conservatives hate the month of June especially  because it is officially Gay Pride month. And Barack Obama, the President of the United States, celebrates LGBT Pride. Then, there are those pesky June events that keep getting in their way, like the Supreme Court rendering unconstitutional sodomy laws, as they did on June 26, 2003, and then rendering unconstitutional DOMA ten years later (to the day!), and then there’s the world’s top “ex-gay” organization, Exodus International, admitting “ex-gay” isn’t a real thing, and disbanding.

So, if you thought the radical religious right were going to announce July as Heterosexual Pride month — you’d be wrong. Heterosexual Pride only happens on ludicrous Facebook pages and Change.org petitions.

But they have named July “Ex-Gay Pride Month.”

Yes, July.

July, the month named in honor of the Roman General Julius Caesar — who was rumored to have had gay affairs. Oh, irony.

A group practically no one’s ever heard of before, Voice of the Voiceless, has designated July to be “Ex-Gay Pride Month” “in order to draw attention to the ever-increasing phenomenon of ex-gays or former homosexuals; that is, individuals who formerly had unwanted same-sex attractions and/or lived an LGBT-identified life, but now do not. These individuals may be in heterosexual relationships, pursuing heterosexuality, or living celibate lives as former homosexuals.”

Yes, the “ever-increasing phenomenon.” These folks likely don’t believe in climate change, but they believe Jesus will take their gay away if they pray.

What is “ex-gay pride?” Voice of the Voiceless says it’s a “time to recognize the unique experiences of ex-gays and former homosexuals and celebrate their existence in American culture.”

VoV is currently organizing events in the month of July to highlight the unique role of ex-gays in American culture and draw attention to increasing discrimination and hostility towards the ex-gay community in society.

The “unique role of ex-gays in American culture”? What would that be?

“WHY Ex-Gay Pride? Because former homosexuals are the last invisible minority in American culture and are increasingly subject to hostility from anti-ex-gay activists and the media at large, who is influenced heavily by the gay-activist lobby that discriminates and marginalizes former homosexuals. VoV estimates that ex-gays number in the tens of thousands (at least), but due to intimation and hostility, the exact numbers are unknown.”

That “hostility” is because practically every major medical association has stated so-called reparative or ex-gay therapy is not only useless, but harmful for the patient.

Amusingly, anti-gay hate mongers like Linda Harvey of the anti-gay hate group Mission America claim there are no homosexual people in the world, but is actually touting the “former homosexual” group and their “Ex-Gay Pride month.”

Now, back to Voice of the Voiceless.

It turns out the reason we haven’t heard of them is because they’re a new creation by the anti-gay hate group, Family Research Council.

The website of Voice of the Voiceless was registered in March of this year, by its leader, Christopher Doyle.

Doyle is also the Director of the International Healing Foundation, which “was founded by psychotherapist, Richard Cohen, in 1990.”

Richard Cohen is another ex-gay crackpot who appeared a few years ago on The Rachel Maddow Show. It didn’t go well for him.

Doyle, according to the International Healing Foundation’s website, is “the first ever recipient of the Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Award for early career excellence.”

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi is the founder of the wholly-in-ill-repute “ex-gay” organization known as NARTH. You know who else was high up in NARTH? Board Member George “lift my luggage” Rekers, who got caught coming home from a European vacation with a “rent boy.”

(NARTH, by the way, seems to have had their IRS tax-exempt status revoked earlier this year.)

Meanwhile, if you stick around long enough through July, the last day of the month, July 31, will be the First Annual Ex-Gay Pride Month Celebration — featuring (possibly) none other than Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who has been invited to attend.

“The ‘traditional marriage’-touting Family Research Council plans to usher in the first annual ‘Ex-Gay Pride Month’ dinner in an attempt to promote ‘ex-gay’ rights,” the Huffington Post reports:

The event is scheduled for the end of July, just weeks after the Supreme Court’s landmark rulings in favor of gay rights. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has been extended an invitation as an honorable attendee.

The Family Research Council’s legislative affiliate, FRC Action, will officially launch two new ex-gay rights organizations, Voice of the Voiceless and Equality and Justice For All, during the dinner in Washington, D.C., on July 31.

“Come celebrate the lives of former homosexuals and hear about their unique stories and achievements!” reads the invitation.

In addition to Bachman, the Heritage Foundation’s Jim DeMint, the Liberty Counsel’s Matthew Staver and Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) — who on Friday introduced a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage — have all been invited to speak.

Huelskamp last week introduced a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Sounds like a fun time for all — where can we buy tickets?

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