Who Are The 45 House And Senate Democrats Who Didn’t Sign Brief Asking SCOTUS To Kill DOMA?

212, or forty percent of the 535 voting members of Congress — House and Senate — today signed onto an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to find DOMA unconstitutional. In total, 172 members of the House of Representatives and 40 U.S. Senators — all and only Democrats — signed the brief.

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So, who didn’t sign?

Not a single Republican signed the brief, despite a brief signed by 131 top, prominent Republicans and conservatives — including two Republican members of Congress — asking the Court to find Prop 8 unconstitutional.

READ: Who Are The 131 Republicans Asking SCOTUS To Support Gay Marriage? — List And Full Brief

But that leaves 45 Democratic Senators and Representatives who chose to not sign onto the DOMA amicus brief.

Who are they?


Max Baucus (MT)

Mark Begich (AK)

Bob Casey, Jr. (PA)

Joe Donnelly (IN)

Kay Hagan (NC)

Heidi Heitkamp (ND)

Tim Johnson (SD)

Mary Landrieu (LA)

Carl Levin (MI)*

Joe Manchin (WV)

Bill Nelson (FL)

Mark Pryor (AR)

Jack Reed (RI)*

Jay Rockefeller (WV)

Tom Udall (NM)



John Barrow (GA)

Sanford Bishop (GA)

G.K. Butterfield (NC)

Jim Cooper (TN)

Jim Costa (CA)

Henry Cuellar (TX)

Peter DeFazio (OR)*

William Enyart (IL)

Pete Gallego (TX)

Tom Graves (GA)

Gene Green (TX)

Rubén Hinojosa (TX)

Ron Kind (WI)

Rick Larsen (WA)

Daniel Lipinski (IL)

Ben Lujan (NM)*

Stephen Lynch (MA)**

Jim Mattheson (UT)

Mike McIntyre (NC)

Colin Peterson (MN)

Nick Rahall (WV)

Cedric Richmond (LA)

Kurt Schrader (OR)

David Scott (GA)

Terri Sewell (AL)

Bennie Thompson (MS)

Filemon Vela (TX)

Peter Visclosky (IN)

Mel Watt (NC)

Frederica Wilson (FL)

*Congressman or Senator is a co-sponsor of a bill to repeal DOMA — office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

**Congressman Lynch’s office blames an email glitch for his name not appearing on the brief.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article neglected to include two Senators to the list, and the article and title have been updated.

DOMA Congressional Brief for Supreme Court 030113 by davidbadash


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