White House: Obama Does Not Believe ‘That Aliens Will Attack Florida.’

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney this weekend responded to Mitt Romney‘s strong suggestion that President Obama will take the word “God” off U.S. currency. “The president believes as much that God should be taken off a coin as he does that aliens will attack Florida,” Carney told reporters, after Obama traveling Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s assertion was met with insufficient belief from reporters:

“Look, this is nothing more than a desperate attack based on a false premise by the Romney team and its sad that the debate has been driven to this level of discourse,” Psaki had said, according to Buzzfeed.

This is how far the campaign for the office of President of the United States of America has devolved. The Romney campaign has absolutely no winning policy and no actual beliefs, so they will spend the next two months creating diversion after diversion, pandering to their radical religious right and Tea Party bases, knowing that anything they say or do — regardless of how filled with lies, regardless of how off-topic it is — will make headlines and distract from their real problem: they’re amateurs who have no ability to govern, much less run an honest campaign.

In short, Romney will now attempt to engage Obama in a game of whack-a-mole.

And the Republican base of low-information, high-belief voters will support Romney to the hilt.

For evidence of this, see tweet above, from the Vice President of the Family Research Council‘s lobbying arm, FRCAction. You’ll remember the Family Research Council as the anti-gay hate group who went nuts trying to convince America that calling them a hate group was hate speech and incited a shooting.

For more evidence of this, know that 15% of Ohio Republicans claim Mitt Romney is responsible for the killing of Osama bin Laden.

As The New Civil Rights Movement reported last night:

As a just-released Public Policy Polling poll published Sunday evening revealed, only 38% of Ohio Republicans say President Obama is responsible for the killing of Osama bin Laden, while a whopping 47% are “unsure,” and 15% responded, “Mitt Romney,” proving that 62% of Republicans in Ohio are liars.


Why Ann Romney’s ‘Meet The Press’ Interview Severely Damaged Mitt’s Campaign

Mitt Romney, As It Turns Out, Just Might Be Jon Lovitz

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Tweet hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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