When Will Michael Steele & Co Disavow Limbaugh’s Haiti Comments?

Yesterday and today, I wrote about Rush Limbaugh’s hateful, racist statements about President Obama wanting to help the people of Haiti.

Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with “light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country,” the radio host predicted.

What’s amazed me is that no one in a leadership position on the right has demanded Limbaugh recant, or apologize. Think about how much garbage the right spewed over Senator Harry Reid’s comments about Obama. While they were inappropriate and unfortunate, and pulled the curtain back on how in the dark ages Reid actually, is, they were not malicious.

The right, however, lives on malice. And yet Michael Steele, Chairman of the RNC, who said quite a bit about calling for Reid to resign, has not uttered one word about Limbaugh’s comments, which were far worse than Reid’s.

At least the  on-the-record racist, Pat Buchanan, was offended, saying, Limbaugh’s comments were “deeply insensitive.”

And what of Pat Robertson’s disgusting, ‘Haiti deserves the earthquake because they made a “pact with the devil” – “true story”‘ statement yesterday? Who has come out publicly to denounce him and demand an apology (aside from the very eloquent Haitian Ambassador.)

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