What Happened? 22 Tweets From Reporters At Supreme Court Prop 8 Hearing

Direct from reporters at this morning’s Prop 8 hearing in the Supreme Court, 22 tweets with interpretations of today’s Q&A. The current perception from SCOTUSblog is that prop 8 will not be overturned by the Supreme Court, therefore avoiding a broad ruling by the Court.

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Interpretations Of Prop 8 Arguments At Supreme Court

Direct from reporters at this morning’s Prop 8 hearing in the Supreme Court, 22 tweets with interpretations of today’s Q&A.

Storified by David Badash· Tue, Mar 26 2013 08:58:59

Arguments done. #scotus won’t uphold or strike down #prop8 bc Kennedy thinks it is too soon to rule on #ssm. #prop8 will stay invalidated.SCOTUSblog
Alito said there could be terrible consequences: Same sex marriage is younger than cell phones and the Internet…we can’t see the futureAdamSerwer
Clever trolling from Roberts: since children of same sex couples are doing ok, can’t argue they are hurt by parents not being marriedAdamSerwer
Kagan asked prop 8 def if states could ban couples too old to procreate. He said no because its “rare” that both spouses would be infertileAdamSerwer
Breyer was baffled by Obama admin argument that only states that recognized some rights of same sex couples had to recognize marriageAdamSerwer
Scalia, incorrectly, to SG Verrilli: You are asking us to impose [same sex marriage] on the whole countryAdamSerwer
Kennedy called same-sex marriage “unchartered waters,” said there is either “a wonderful destination or a cliff in it.”Ryan J. Reilly
Kennedy: children of same-sex couples “want their parents to have full recognition and legal status.” #SCOTUS #Prop8Ryan J. Reilly
Scalia: “I take no position on whether it’s harmful or not, but it’s certainly true there is no answer to that scientific question…”Ryan J. Reilly
Scalia: “considerable disagreement” about the “consequences” of same-sex couples raising children. #SCOTUS #Prop8Ryan J. Reilly
Ted Olsen: “Based upon the questions that the justices asked, I have no idea [how court will decide]”Sam Stein
RT @ryanjreilly: Scalia: “considerable disagreement” about the “consequences” of same-sex couples raising children. #SCOTUS #Prop8Sam Stein
Olson: “I have no idea”Based on the questions asked what the Supreme Court will do.Kerry Eleveld
Kagan asked prop 8 defender what harm was caused by same sec marriage. When he couldn’t answer, Kennedy asked if he was conceding the pointAdamSerwer
Kennedy: There are 40k kids in California of same se parents who want their parents to be married…their voice is important isn’t it?AdamSerwer
First #SCOTUS take: Very significant questions about whether the proponents had standing to bring the #Prop8 appeal at all.Chris Geidner
Scalia demanded Olsen pick a date for when banning same sex marriage was unconstitutional. Olson said it was irrelevantAdamSerwer
Verrilli shockingly conceded that in a different case, a state might be able to argue that marriage equality could be harmful to kidsAdamSerwer
It seems like the standing issue will have a bigger role than most thought in the #SCOTUS #Prop8 case… hmm.Waymon Hudson
Olson: if you said mixed race couples could have a “union” but not marriage, everyone would know that was wrongAdamSerwer
Remember #SCOTUS typically avoids sweeping rulings if possible. Think of narrowest way to allow #ssm in CA without one. #prop8Nancy C. Jacobson
MT @AdamSerwer #Prop8 defender unable to answer q on what harm was caused by gay marriage, Kennedy asks if he is conceding the point #SCOTUSCandidly Canadian
Seems to be some interest in this case #Prop8 #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/d4d3UvgOXWRyan J. Reilly
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