Weekend Open Thread: Republican Scandals, Democratic Scandals, Vatican Scandals

This week saw a hypocrisy-filled, vehemently anti-gay Republican state senator pulled over and arrested for DUI — after leaving a gay bar with an unnamed male accomplice. The hypocrisy-filled Democratic Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee was forced to give up his Chair after an ethics investigation — just the first of many — found him in violation of House rules. The hypocrisy-filled Democratic Governor of New York is swimming, and sinking, in scandal after scandal — so bad, the expelled convicted criminal former state senator tried to throw him a lifeline. A Democratic U.S. House of Representatives member resigned amid a sexual harassment scandal — involving another man.  And, to top it off, a member of the Pope’s Vatican household, and a 29 year-old chorister, were found to be involved in corruption and a hypocrisy-filled gay male prostitution scandal.

So, what do you think?

Are the Democrats going to pay for all this come November? Will there be much cost to the Republicans? Does the Pope take a hit for what’s happened under his roof?

Should we just remove from office every New York politician?

Or, just hope Sunday’s Oscars give us a few hours of diversion and hope?

Your turn to weigh in.


Oh — when you’re done, take a moment to read, “Eight Months From Today, The America We Know Will Be Gone.” Then take action.

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