Watch: Religious Right Now Pushing ‘Divine Mathematics’

In this video, progressive journalist David Pakman examines the religious right’s latest scam — “divine mathematics.” No longer are they satisfied with adding God into evolution and coming up with “intelligent design,” now they are adding God into addition and subtraction and calculous and coming up with “divine mathematics.”

Nathaniel Downes at Addicting Info adds:

This is a drive to undermine critical thinking, to set in stone to never question nor understand the foundations. As a result, they become to accept things at face value, hurting their ability to think for themselves. A crowd of sheep, brainwashed by whatever their elders tell them.

Their goal is a generation who are nothing but slaves, who have no idea that they are enslaved in the first place. This is why it was a felony to educate a slave in the south before the civil war, and why a man like Frederick Douglass so terrified those who would form the Confederacy. Now they aim to create a new slave caste, one based on ill education and ignorance.

And they aim to use our tax money to create it.


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