Watch: NOM Led NC Anti-Gay Marriage Groups Wage Bible War In New Video

NOM supported North Carolina anti-gay marriage groups have banded together to produce this ludicrous video to battle Amendment One — an amendment that writes discrimination into the state constitution by declaring not only is marriage limited to “one-man, one woman,” but no other unions may be recognized by the state. In short, domestic partnerships or civil unions entered into by straight couples would immediately become effectively non-existent, meaning that thousands of children would lose health insurance coverage, and even women with orders of protection against a violent domestic partner would find those no longer in effect.

WATCH: NC Gay And Straight Parents Fight Against Family-Killing Amendment One

So, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has banded with “a multitude of policy organizations, denominations, and civic groups,” and its “Executive Committee consists of the Christian Action League, NC Values Coalition, a coalition of African American pastors, NC Baptists, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)” to attack gay people and produce this video.

Frankly, it’s ludicrous.

Can you count how many times the Bible is shown? Can you say, “separation of church and state”? Apparently, not according to NOM or North Carolina’s anti-gay groups.

Let’s ban marriage from gays because it’s always been that way!

The Bible says so!

“Everyone, gay or straight, is free to live how they chose,” the voiceover says — unless they choose to be married, and then it’s game over!

The voiceover also says that “marriage has been one-man, one woman since before North Carolina was a state!”

The video neglects to mention that North Carolina was among the last of the states in America to repeal anti-miscegenation laws, waiting until 1967’s Loving v. Virginia to overturn them. So, marriage was actually one man of one race and one woman of the same race in North Carolina for over 250 years.

Just trying to keep things accurate, NOM.

You can help defeat NOM and their anti-gay marriage attempts by donating to Defeat Amendment One.

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