Watch: NOM Claiming San Antonio Non-Discrimination Bill ‘Punishes People Of Faith’

So much for “protecting marriage.” NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, having failed every effort to ban same-sex marriage across the U.S. over the past year, has now turned their attention to any LGBT issue in order to appear as if they have any power left.

NOM’s Chris Plante, best known for his ugly rhetoric and failed attempt to prevent marriage equality in Rhode Island, spoke with Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network today to tell a few tall tales about San Antonio’s non-discrimination bill.

Watch Live Now: San Antonio Non-Discrimination Bill Debate And Vote

You’ll remember the bill as the one made famous after secretly recorded audio was published revealing San Antonio councilwoman Elisa Chan‘s extreme homophobia and transphobia — offering the perfect example as to why the bill, which she opposes, is necessary.

Plante falsely claims that the bill would prevent anyone who has a prior history of anti-LGBT discrimination from holding city office or even from doing business with the city of San Antonio. That’s false. It came from an early draft of the bill and has been removed. But why let a few facts get in the way of riling up the radical right?



If you’re unfamiliar with Chris Plante, here are a few comments he’s made, according to GLAAD’s excellent Commentator Accountability Project:

— Says children of gay parents are in a “tragic situation” and equated having gay parents to havingdivorced or even dead parents (see second video down on webpage)

— Says gay couples who adopt “turn children into little teacup dogs — it’s an accessory to put in my purse” (see video from 4:35-5:16)

— Said bills that assist domestic partners in making funeral arrangements for their late loved ones “serve simply as ‘Trojan Horses’ for homosexual-marriage”

— Says “homosexual marriage tells me I’m an option to my daughter, no different from a sun roof” (beginning at 1:03:00)

— Says gays can “change” and so they don’t deserve civil rights (beginning at 1:04:00)

— Says gays are trying to “hijack” bullying concerns in order to promote same-sex marriage; claims “the bullying thing is a red herring” (at 1:07:00)

— Admits he is also against same-sex adoption; believes children of gays are always lacking (beginning at 13:45)

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