Watch Live Now: Washington State House Judiciary Debates Marriage Equality

The Washington House Judiciary Committee is now hearing arguments on its same-sex marriage debate. While we cannot embed the video, you can watch live here.

UPDATE: The hearing is over, the bill has been passed. Read details here.

Caution: anti-gay anti-equality commenters may be spewing their filth. One just asked, “What’s next? The man-boy love law?”

Another claimed that he worked as a hay hauler, hauling hay between prisons. He claimed that every person in prison suffered from not having good parents growing up — and same sex marriage, he claims, would contribute to that.

Other comments included:

“Same sex marriage is a grand experiment. Deviation from natural marriage will never be seen as normal.”

Self-identified Christian woman: “What do we do about incest because there are those out there who think its a good idea,” and “What’s next? Sharia law?,” and, “I’m a Christian and I have the Holy Spirit in me and you have excluded me, you haven’t protected” me in the same sex marriage law.

“Specific tools are for specific purposes. If you are going to cut down a tree you wouldn’t get good results.”

Another Washington State commenter claims there’s documented evidence that male homosexuals do terrible things to their children.

A 13-year old said same-sex marriage encroaches on religious freeedom.



12:20 PM ET – Note: The hearing is currently adjourned but we expect them to return at some point shortly to vote on the bill. We hope and expect the bill to be moved in tot he full House for a vote.

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