Watch: CNN: Gay Republican Group GOProud At CPAC

Jimmy LaSalvia’s GOProud (pronounced GO proud) is co-sponsoring the entire CPAC event, perhaps in the hopes of showing the right-wing conservative extremists that we’re just like they are. I suppose you have to give them credit for standing tall in the halls of bigotry and hatred.

I strongly disagree with LaSalvia on almost every issue outside of marriage and military service, which, I suppose, makes him and GOProud true Republicans, except, you know, for the gay part.

I was going to make this a separate post, and perhaps I will, but for now, I want to point out that LaSalvia and GOProud supported then-gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell, who won and recently removed gays from state anti-discrimination policy.

Good work, gentlemen…


Also, visit Joe.My.God for some background on GOProud at CPAC: “CPAC Organizers: GOProud Can Attend But Cannot Speak About LGBT Rights

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