Watch: Christopher Hitchens Is In Hell Because God Loves Him – AFA Host

Continuing the religious right’s gleeful attacks on the death of Christopher Hitchens, Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, Friday on his radio program said that famous atheist, author, and thinker Christopher Hitchens is in hell because God loves him.

WATCH: All Sex Not Between Married People Should Be Criminalized Says AFA Host

Hitchens passed away Thursday. Mere hours after Hitchens’ passing, very early Friday morning, Pastor Rick Warren wrote via Twitter, “My friend Christopher Hitchens has died. I loved & prayed for him constantly & grieve his loss. He knows the Truth now.” “Truth” was with a capital “T,” and clearly Warren was insinuating Hitchens had learned that God does exist.

Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch offers this transcript and video:

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Christopher Hitchens maintained his resolve and did not turn, he did not repent, he died an unrepentant and defiant atheist. That would mean today, if the Scriptures mean anything, that he is in Hell today.

But here’s my point, the point I was making earlier is that if he is, if Christopher Hitchens is, in fact, in Hell, he’s there because God loves him. Not because God hates him but because God loves him. And I explained what I mean by that. What I mean by that is that God loves us enough to, in the end, give us what he insist on having. If we are determined to have our own way then God, in the end, is going to give us what we insist on having, because that’s what you do for people you love.

Now if you think about it, and I mention this earlier, to me it would not be a loving thing for God to say to Christopher Hitchens “you spent your entire life, you’re still defying me. You died in defiance, you still are in defiance as you stand before me. You don’t want anything to do with me. You don’t want anything to do with my son. You don’t want anything to do with my Gospel. You don’t want anything to do with word of God. You don’t want anything to do with other people that are followers of me.” It would not be a loving thing to compel someone like Christopher Hitchens to spend the rest of eternity in a place that he hated, a place that he does not want to be, a place that he has no desire to be, a place that he has spent all of his life resisting, condemning, avoiding, refusing to embrace. To me, that’s not love, that would be a form of cruelty.


And let’s remember, Bryan Fischer has said gays are Nazis, suggested that millions of Americans contracted HIV/​AIDS because of the existence on Congressman Barney Frank, gays are not born gay, the Tea pArty ended slavery in America, gays are a threat to national security, public health, and traditional marriage is necessary for US survival, the same hate, vitriol, and anti-​Christ spirit is at work in Islam and in the “homosexual agenda,” Chaz Bono, “is a surgically-​mutilated female,” “Let’s have a state law that provides some kind of fine for anyone who has unprotected homosexual sex,” called for the re-​criminalization of homosexuality in every state, homosexuality “is a death sentence, it’s not a lifestyle, it’s a death style,” California is going to have a hard time fulfilling SB 48 because “by definition,” gays cannot be role models, the Norway terrorist would have made a good Muslim but a bad Christian, “Hitler hiomself was a homosexual,” “we cannot have the homosexual agenda and liberty. Those two things are incompatible,” criticism of and Marcus and Michele Bachmann over the practice of “ex-​gay therapy” is both religious bigotry and a hate crime, “homosexual bigots commit hate crimes,” “Christophobic gay activists” want to “continue a campaign of threats, harassment…,” “homosexual activists” who attack him for his hate speech and lies against theLGBT community are committing a “hate crime,” “fidelity in same-​sex relationships is virtually unheard of,” the Nazi Party was formed in a gay bar in Munich,” once DADT is repealed, neither gays nor straights will sign up for the military, forcing a draft, Christian military officers are about to become victims of “systematic hate crimes,” by gays, and “the homosexual agenda is just like Islam.”

And all that’s just since May of this year.

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