Watch: Bob Garon, Gay, Married, Vietnam Vet Talks To Hardball’s Chris Matthews

Bob Garon, the gay, married, 63-year old Vietnam veteran who confronted Mitt Romney in a New Hampshire diner about his views on same-sex marriage, talked with Hardball’s Chris Matthews last night.

Matthews rightly decided to take the constitution angle on the story.

Igor Volsky at Think Progress offers a transcript and this video:

MATTHEWS: Most people recognize that the Constitution has taken different meanings over the years because times have changed. I mean, there is no reference to an air force, for instance, in the Constitution….Were you surprised he took that sort of old, conservative argument, oh, that’s not the way Franklin looked at it? And by the way, we have no idea how they actually looked at it. What did you make of that?

GARON: Well, I was very surprised. First, I’m not a professor of the Constitution. I didn’t know he was either. I didn’t know the Constitution makes it clear what a marriage was between a man or a woman. There is nowhere in the Constitution that I can remember that it says anything about that and here is a man that plans to be in the White House and apparently he doesn’t know about the Constitution either. I was dumbfounded. I just don’t know where he came up with that kind of information.

After speaking with Romney, Garon had told reporters, “I was undecided,” and added, of Romney, “I’m totally convinced today that he’s not going to be my president — at least in my book. At least Obama will entertain the idea. This man is ‘no way, Jose.’ Well, take that ‘no way, Jose’ back to Massachusetts.”


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