Watch: Bill Clinton’s New Ad For President Obama

The hugely popular President Bill Clinton just recorded this campaign announcement in support of President Barack Obama.

“This election to me is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment,” Clinton says.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal notes:

The ad, released Thursday, is the first time Obama is using Clinton in a 2012 campaign commercial, capitalizing on the former president’s cross-over appeal. The 30-second spot also is airing in seven other battleground states besides Nevada, including New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa and Colorado.

A recent Gallup poll in June found Clinton’s popularity matching his record high of 66 percent among Americans surveyed nationwide. Clinton first enjoyed a 66 percent favorability rating when he was inaugurated in January of 1993 as the man from Hope, Arkansas, who defeated a sitting GOP president, George H.W. Bush. Clinton served two four-year terms.

Clinton enjoys broad support across the board — from most Democrats, two-thirds of independents and even about four out of 10 Republicans, Gallup found.

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