Watch: Anti-Gay Marriage Group Says Gay Marriage Ban Isn’t Anti-Gay

An anti-gay marriage group attempting to get a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage written into the Minnesota constitution just released this video that states their ban on same-sex marriage isn’t anti-gay at all! Their parsing of the English language is akin to telling a starving man he isn’t starving, he’s merely fasting. Or, telling the poor they aren’t poor, they’re just going to have an easier time getting into heaven, akin to Matthew 19:23-24:

“I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

See? It’s all so easy!

Minnesota For Marriage (see: they are FOR marriage — just not marriage for same-sex couples!) calls this video series “an ongoing dialogue with Minnesota voters,” and adds:

“Today, let’s look at a charge that some have made in this debate. ‘I have heard the amendment be called anti-gay. Is it?’ No, it isn’t. The amendment is pro-marriage.”

See how easy that is?

Now, you try it at home.

Perhaps you’d like to dig a hole in your back yard, take the dirt, pour it all over your living room carpet, stomp on it, then say, “My living room carpet isn’t filled with dirt from my back yard, it’s just more natural than my kitchen floor.”

See how easy that is?

Yanta, the local Minnesota news anchor now delivering these “dialogues,” says that gay marriage just doesn’t exist in Minnesota, and the proposed constitutional ban writing discrimination directly into their constitution would merely “protect marriage” from people who want to “meddle” with it, like those darned activist judges and politicians. You know, the ones who are chosen and trained to actually make and interpret laws in the first place.

Conveniently, Yanta feels the amendment makes no changes in rights for gays and lesbians.

Think of it this away. It’s like a college student who’s starving and poor and working hard never having to be burdened with dreams of becoming self-sufficient or rich. The marriage ban doesn’t take anything away from gays and lesbians — it just makes certain that for the rest of time they’ll never be burdened with the possibility of marriage.

Darned awesome of those small government conservatives wanting to make life easier for gays and lesbians by imposing their biblical beliefs on everyone!

Thank you, Ms. Yanta!

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