Watch Ann Coulter LIE To Protect Gay-Bashing Paladino

On Monday night’s The O’Reilly Factor, fresh off headlining GOProud’s “Homocon,” conservative pundit and professional gay-hater Ann Coulter started her conversation with Bill O’Reilly by defending Tea Party-supported NY GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino. Paladino this past weekend stunned the nation with his anti-gay, insensitive, ill-timed remarks about the gay community.

Coulter begins by calling Paladino “this great warrior to cut your taxes, New Yorkers.” Because to the GOP, everything comes down to taxes.

Somehow, Coulter created this mythology that Paladino was referring only to “gay left-wing activists,” not gays in particular.

That is a lie. Paladino was not referring to “gay left-wing activists” when he said, “I don’t want [children] to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid or successful option. It isn’t.

Nor was he referring to “gay left-wing activists” when he said, “I just think my children, and your children, will be much better off, and much more successful getting married and raising a family,” as if gays and lesbians do not want to marry and raise families.

Coulter is lying through her teeth, and she knows it.

How? She tells O’Reilly she thinks Paladino’s comments helped him. If they helped him, why would she be trying to minimize what he said?

Ann is listening to the voices inside her head, and not to the words people actually say. How else could she know “how black people think?”

If you want to know why Ann Coulter is defending Carl Paladino, look no further than this: “Ann Coulter’s Top 10 Most Disgusting Comments At Gay Republicans’ Homocon.”

Coulter, again, desperately looking for something inflammatory to get back in the spotlight.

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