War On Women: Will Dr. Rick Perry Answer Women’s Medical Questions On Facebook?

Rick Perry may not be answering women’s medical questions on his Facebook page , but there are thousands of women who are asking him. After recent anti-women rulings from the failed GOP presidential candidate, as governor, caused women in Texas to loose access to healthcare, from providers such as Planned parenthood, “Dr. Rick Perry” is facing the ire of women. The fact that Perry posted the above photo to his Facebook page, shamelessly invoking his wife Anita in a “thank you” — that doesn’t say for what — all heck broke loose.

Here’s a sampling:

Suzanne Thurston Gov. Perry, Do you think cervical length screening should be the standard of care?

Anne Price Dear Gov, I mean, Dr. Perry, I have fibrous, hopefully non-cancerous (I don’t know because I don’t have insurance) tumors in my uterus. When I found out my NP said, “You should have a hysterectomy to get those out.” I was alarmed and said I didn’t want to do this. Now I’ve spoken with another doctor who says that an ablation could take care of things and, bonus, I wouldn’t have periods and I’m ready for that to stop. So what I’m asking you, Dr. Perry, is what should I do with my uterus? I obviously can’t make that decision, so just let me know what to do. You know, I don’t know how I’ve spent the last 36 years without Republicans taking care of my reproductive health. Just lucky I guess.

Eileen DelCore Bennett My periods are wicked heavy and just wondering, what would you suggest I do for this problem? Especially since taking contraceptives is such an affront to humanity. Please let me know ASAP..thanks…

Sian Leach Dear Rick. I’ve been on the pill for years to help with incredibly painful periods, and I have a quick question for you. I should be starting my period later this week, and am already feeling some cramps. Since you seem to know so much about women’s health, should I take some ibuprofen or just tough it out?

Amanda Benson Dear Rick Perry, please tell me where I can get tested and screened for cervical cancer since I can no longer do that here in Texas. I do not have insurance, nor do I have the means to afford a doctor for any preventative care. Thank you, Me.

Nancy Baker Bryant Mr. Perry, breast cancer runs in my family. Can you recommend a place where I can get an affordable breast exam now the PP is no longer an option?

Many of the comments pointed to the fact that the Perry family, Rick and Anita, only have two children, and commenters asked if they used birth control.

“The mocking comments signal considerable frustration over the Perry’s highly visible role in cutting off federal Medicaid money for the Texas Women’s Health Program,” the Washington Post reports:

Although Texas has previously accepted $31 million per year in federal funds for the program, Perry and state Republican lawmakers said they can no longer abide that money flowing through Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas, even though participating clinics don’t provide abortions.

The battle over the Texas Women’s Health program, which provides cancer screenings, pap smears, hormone patches, birth control and other basic services to more than 130,000 low-income women, has played out like a gunfight in a spaghetti western.

State officials warned that they would stop accepting money from the federal government unless they could cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics.

Federal officials warned that selectively cutting out certain clinics would jeopardize funding. Texas did it anyway. The federal government halted the money. Perry said Texas would pick up the slack so services will continue, but he didn’t say how, particularly as the state faces another looming budget crisis.

And on Friday, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sued the federal government over the issue, with Perry’s blessing.

“This is about life and the rule of law, which Texas respects and the Obama Administration does not,’’ Perry said in a statement last week.

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