Vote! Who Will CPAC Nominate As GOP 2012 Presidential Nominee?

CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, every year holds a straw poll to determine who its members want as their next Republican presidential nominee. The actual question this year is:

“Thinking ahead to the 2012 Presidential election, who would you vote for as your FIRST CHOICE to be the next Republican nominee for President?”

Here are the choices, direct from the actual CPAC poll:

1. Michele Bachmann, MN Representative

2. Haley Barbour, MS Governor

3. Herman Cain, Former Godfather Pizza CEO

4. Chris Christie, NJ Governor

5. Mitch Daniels, IN Governor

6. Newt Gingrich, Former House Speaker

7. Mike Huckabee, Former AR Governor

8. Jon Huntsman, Former UT Governor

9. Gary Johnson, Former NM Governor

10. Sarah Palin, Former AK Governor

11. Ron Paul, TX Representative

12. Tim Pawlenty, Former MN Governor

13. Mitt Romney, Former MA Governor

14. Rick Santorum, Former PA Senator

15. John Thune, SD Senator

16. Other _______________________

17. Undecided

Now, here’s your chance to vote for whom you think CPAC will nominate — not who you think CPAC should choose, but who you think they will.


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