Values Voters Bash DADT Repeal: “No Constitutional Right To Serve”

Igor Volsky at ThinkProgress shows Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) speaking against repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” at this weekend’s “Values Voters Summit.” He says, “You don’t have a constitutional right to serve in the military.”

I know a federal court decision that disagrees.

Oh, and speaking of which, Happy Constitution Day!

P.S. In “Inhofe: Gays Are ‘A Third Group,’ Soldiers Are Unpatriotic,” I wrote,

“[L]et me remind you that Inhofe has tried to make English “the national language.” He wants to amend the Constitution to ban same-sex marriage and voted for DOMA. Inhofe even co-sponsored legislation to redefine marriage as between only one man and one woman. Unsurprisingly, Inhofe did not want sexual orientation to be included in the hate crimes bill.

Inhofe gets a score of zero from HRC, a 7% score from the NAACP, and a whopping 20% from the ACLU.

On the other hand, Inhofe voted to continue subsidies to oil and gas companies…

Oh. Did I mention that Inhofe is rumored to be a member of “The Family?”

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