US Soldiers May Die Because Gay Flag Flies At Afghanistan Base Says FRC

Tony Perkins is warning that American soldiers may be killed as the direct result of a U.S. base in Afghanistan flying the gay flag. Perkins, head of the SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, wrote in his Washington Update:

After February’s accident with the Korans, American lives were lost. What price will we pay because some want to use the military to show their gay pride?

Tony Perkins, who called the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell the hardest thing the military has ever had to do (apparently, defending America around the world, and giving thousands of American lives to do it was cake,) writes that “in the dusty desert of war, an Army outpost saluted the colors of the homosexual lobby by flying a rainbow flag in place of Old Glory. Back home in America, a woman named Nicole Jodice posted the picture on Facebook, praising her husband for promoting, not the stars, but these stripes.”

Nicole Jodice is evidently a lovely woman who shared with the Facebook group, Wipeout Homophobia the images in this post, and wrote, “hubbie in afghanistan raising a gay pride flag = ).”

Tony Perkins also claims “the troops aren’t the only ones feeling the whiplash of the military’s new [DADT] policy. Just three weeks after President Obama publicly apologized for offending the Islamic community with the accidental Koran burning, this base is pledging its allegiance to an act that is nearly as incendiary.”

Because, apparently, in Perkins’ mind, same-sex sex is an abomination equal — or nearly equal — in his mind as the burning of the Koran is to those of the Islamic faith.

And for the record, the reaction of America’s military to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t tell has been one unanimous yawn.

“Where is the concern now for angering Afghan Muslims, who vehemently oppose homosexuality? The issue is as much an issue of military security as it is of religious morality,” Perkins threatens, claiming that gays in America’s military are compromising America’s security, and the rights of Christians.

Of course, to Perkins, everything is an attack on Christianity. The mere fact that there are homosexuals in the military, now serving their country openly, is an affront to Perkins’ sense of religious entitlement.

Yes, American Taliban Perkins would like to invoke his unique brand of Christian Sharia upon the American military — and America itself.

Images: top, bottom.

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