US News & World Report Readers Come Out Against Archbishop Dolan’s Gay Marriage Statements

US News & World Report Readers Come Out Against Archbishop Dolan’s Gay Marriage Statements. “On First Day as Archbishop, Dolan Says He Won’t ‘Shy Away’ From Gay Marriage Fight”, an article published Thursday in US News & World Report, began with, “Gov. Paterson will unveil his gay marriage legislation Thursday and Archbishop Timothy Dolan is making it clear he will fight it.” The piece garnered only a few comments, but all powerful and on target. A few readers’ excerpts:

“Meanwhile, three blocks away a nine year old was raped by a priest. Seriously – this is his first priority? The Catholic church needs to focus on its organization, not on the lives of people it disapproves of.”

“I really don’t understand how people can be so against something…Who a person can legally be married to shouldn’t be anyone’s decision, but the two people who are getting married.”

“If the Archbishop speaks out about any legislation or canidates in a public election then his church (the catholic church) should be stripped of it’s tax-exemption.

The tax regulations must be fully enforced.”

I encourage to voice your thoughts here, or, on US News’ site.

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