UPDATED: NY Anti-Gay Marriage Senator Surrenders To Federal Prosecutors

Carl Kruger, the Democratic New York state senator who was the focus of many marriage equality advocates’ protests, has also been the focus of several federal investigations, and will surrender to federal prosecutors Thursday.

The Albany Times-Unin reports “Kruger has reportedly been in the cross-hairs of federal prosecutors since 2008 for allegedly requiring political campaign contributions in return for officials favors.”

In 2009, after the Democrat’s “no” vote on New York’s marriage equality bill, Kruger became the most-hated of the “Hate 38,” the New York senators who voted against the bill. Kruger found marriage equality advocates protesting in front of his home in December of that year.

One especially noticeable advocate, Corey Johnson, “addressed the senator in a post on his own Facebook page: “We’re not going to leave you alone Carl. You came into our homes with your vote—it’s time for us to continue to go to your house until you do the right thing,” reported The Advocate in 2009.

You’ll remember also that Johnson challenged Kruger’s own sexual orientation outside the Senate chamber after the vote in Albany.

UPDATED: 10:30 AM 03.10.2011: The Village Voice today reports: “State Senator Carl Kruger (D-Brooklyn) and Assemblyman William Boyland turned themselves into police this morning in order to face longstanding allegations of a bribery conspiracy,” according to the Village Voice, adding, “As for Kruger, though everyone seemed to know this was coming, “He’s saddened because he’s one of the most dedicated public servants for the past 25 years with an impeccable reputation,” his lawyer said. “This obviously is a difficult day for all of us.” But maybe not as difficult as neighborhoods like Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Bergen Beach and more have had it for around two decades.

“Everyone knows that Carl has been using his post to take money for years, so this isn’t surprising,” one Democratic source told the Post. “What’s more surprising is that it didn’t happen 10 years ago.”

(h/t Scott Wooledge)

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