UPDATED: Maggie Gallagher Accuses Maryland Gays Of Racism Against Arora

Maggie Gallagher is accusing Maryland marriage equality advocates of racism against Sam Arora who just flip-flopped on his promise to vote for equality.

NOM’s Gallagher just shot off this post on the NOM Blog about Sam Arora and the marriage equality vote issue in Maryland:

“I have two reactions to reading this WaPo columnist’s comments.

“First, if Sam Arora is wavering under this media firestorm, he must be hearing from hundreds of constitutents who do not want him to vote for gay marriage.

“Secondly, as someone married to an Indian-American, I find it interesting that the gay marriage machine appears to be re-focusing its attacks from Black Democrats who oppose gay marriage to an easier target: Indian-Americans.”

Yup. Playing the race card. That’s the answer to this situation, Maggie?

Here’s some background.

Sam Arora, a freshman Maryland Delegate (same as a Representative,) ran on a platform that included his support of marriage equality. Now, after deleting a tweet that proved he did, he’s saying he never promised to support equality.

Maggie, Arora lied. If he had promised to vote against the marriage equality bill, instead of for it, and was getting heat from the right, instead of the left, would you accuse the right of racism? Hell no. Maggie, this time I’m especially disappointed in you.

Playing the race card is ugly. Playing the race card, falsely, and offering yourself as an example is even uglier.

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UPDATE: 10:00 PM I hadn’t noticed this at first, but it seems that Maggie published a PDF of Jonathan Capehart’s excellent Washington Post piece on which she based her comments (above.) Can anyone tell me if that’s a copyright violation? Just wondering, as I noticed Brian Brown did it too with Megan Mcardle’s piece in The Atlantic.

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