Unmasked! Anti-LGBT Group Behind Girl Scout Cookie Boycott
It seems the parents who run a ludicrous, anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-American, anti-Girl Scouts group called “Honest Girl Scouts” are using their own 14-year old daughter to wage war on the Girl Scouts for the appropriate and harmless inclusion of a seven-year old transgender girl in a scout troop in Colorado.
(The transgender girl, Bobby Montoya, was first told she couldn’t join, then the Scouts changed their minds.)
Taylor — who won’t give her last name — unleashed an almost eight-minute self-righteous, bigoted, and ignorant video essentially claiming that the seven-year old transgender girl was a physical threat to other girl scouts. She mention her parents in the video, though not by name, and directs viewers to the website, “Honest Girl Scouts.” Watch this vile video below.
But if “Honest Girl Scouts” are so honest, why are they hiding who they are? Their domain, registered in 2010, says it’s owned by “The Universe.” Have they have fraudulently registered their domain, a violation, if I’m not mistaken, of ICAAN rules? And there is no mention on the site of who runs it. (I’ve started an investigation with the domain registrar to request they look into what seems to be a fraudulent registration. See update below.)
The Honest Girl Scouts site offers articles like:
2011 GSUSA National Convention pushes pro-lesbian, pro-abortion role models and more,
Why is explicit sexual education allowed and even encouraged in Girl Scouts?
And this particularly disturbing and revealing one:
“Mission America” radio host Linda Harvey discussed the connections between Girl Scouts of USA and Planned Parenthood with two HonestGirlScouts.com contributors.
Regular readers know Linda Harvey has warned parents to not let gay or lesbian doctors, nurses, or other medical practitioners attend to your children, and claimed all gays “hate Jesus Christ and His followers.â€
Long story short, the readers at the website Dangerous Minds have figured out that Taylor is probably the daughter of Susan and William Riedley, who apparently started Honest Girl Scouts, they’ve learned after scouring the Internet. Here’s a link to a photo of  younger Taylor Riedley, from a 2008 Ronald Reagan “Freedom Walk.” You decide if it’s the girl in the video.
Recognize that Taylor and her parents have totally failed to understand what the selling of Girl Scout cookies is meant to accomplish. Yes, sales of girl scout cookies fund the organization, but they also teach girls about teamwork, creating an enterprise, connecting with others, representing good will, how to be successful, how to earn money, keep records, motivate themselves, and so on. The list is long. Sadly, Taylor’s understanding and compassion are not.
Taylor in the video portrays herself as a girl scout. Given her parents’ pastime, I would question if she really is. Again, so much for “honest.”
Dangerous Minds, the website whose readers uncovered the dishonest deception, asks, “Taylor, the real question is ‘What do YOU personally hope to gain from this?’ That’s the question I think all intolerant people should ask themselves before the go on record with their tiny thoughts on YouTube. Taylor, did you really think this through? Do you really want to be the Rebecca Black of intolerance? For the rest of your life?”
Pretty soon, Taylor’s last name is going to come out. It seems inevitable that she’s going to face an Internet backlash for this obnoxious video. The Internet has a rather long and unforgiving memory. It’s going to come up every time some one will do a Google search for her. To all future employers, college admission officers, potential boyfriends, she’s going to be this girl. No matter what her thoughts on this matter might evolve into when she’s an adult (not that I have especially high hopes that Taylor is ever going to be a tolerant or open-minded person, but who knows?) is she prepared for her new life with an Encyclopedia Dramatica entry?
And then there is the matter of how she replied to someone a few minutes ago on YouTube. It’s not her chastity that she’s worried about, is it, despite what she says in the video?
@AgentHaun Now, who’s the “hater?†I have to say, I approved this comment to reveal what the Gay-Lesbian-Transgender-IntersÂex-Questioning activism is full of. Intolerance for religion, intolerance for straight people, intolerance for Truth, especially when the facts are presented before them. I have deleted so many of these types of comments, but the Truth is, you all cannot disprove the facts in this video, which makes you angry and hurtful. I’ll just keep deleting.
HonestGirlScouts 4 minutes ago“Intolerance for religion, intolerance for straight people, intolerance for Truth…†that gets to the heart of why this is so annoying:  Christians who think THEY are somehow the victims of the LGBT community.
Taylor’s an idiot, but she’s also just a stupid kid. Her parents are the ones at fault here for raising such a petty, close-minded child.
Perhaps to spite Taylor and her bigoted, hate-mongering parents (assuming they’re her parents), and to show our support for the Girl Scouts’ decision to be inclusive, we should make sure we buy extra girl scout cookies, send a donation to the Colorado chapter that allowed the seven-year old transgender girl to join, send a letter of thanks to Girl Scouts USA, and tell “Honest Girl Scouts” to close up shop.
Update: As I mentioned above, I contacted the domain registrar about what appeared to be the fraudulent registration of the website name, HonestGirlScouts.com. GoDaddy, the registrar, responded, claiming “The Universe” is the name of the company that registered the domain, adding they are contacting them via email, telephone, and postal mail. I don’t know what they’ll find, but the folks at 123 Main Street in Monterey Park may be a little surprised.
Update #2: Via a Twitter friend there’s an app for finding the Girl Scout cookies nearest you! Go buy some!
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