Unhappy Feat? Gay Penguin Saga Reported By Taiwan Animators (Video)

The separation of gay Penguins Pedro and Buddy has made international headlines, and now the famous (infamous?) NMA animation-studio-slash-news-network has done their usual: reported the story in their own way, via animation.

For those unfamiliar with the story, two gay male African penguins, Pedro and Buddy, are about to be separated and forced to mate with female penguins in a Toronto zoo, to help maintain the species. The two gay penguins, Pedro and Buddy, will be reunited after mating season, the Toronto Zoo says, adding that if their genes weren’t critical to continuing the endangered species they wouldn’t bother separating them.

The video includes references to Marcus Bachmann, praying away the gay, and explicit depictions of penguin sexual activity. Children should not watch this video without specific parental approval.

So, with that, here’s the video:



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