Tweet of The Day: NOMtweets: 3x-divorced Raquel Welch: Marriage is cornerstone of civilization

See, here’s the thing you have to remember about Maggie Gallagher and her NOM — National Organization for (Straight-only) Marriage — bigots. They are so narrow-minded they don’t ever even realize how incredibly perverse and ridiculous their spewings sound.

Case in point:

Tweeting a recent CNN Op-Ed by actress and sex symbol Raquel Welch, NOMtweets, the official Twitter account of NOM, wrote,

3x-divorced Raquel Welch: marriage is “cornerstone of civilization, an essential institution that stabilizes society.”

Now, I believe in marriage — for all, unlike Maggie Dearest — but I don’t understand how holding up a three-times divorced celebrity as a paragon of marriage makes the case for marriage. Unless Maggie is going for quantity over quality, in which case I expect we’ll soon see tweets about Larry King and Elizabeth Taylor.

Seriously. I get the point Welch is making — and I agree with it, actually. I also agree in some respects with what Maggie thinks she is doing — fostering and “protecting” marriage. It’s just that I want to foster and protect it as an institution for all, and Maggie’s desperately trying to hold onto it just for her and her ilk.

No one, not the Church, not even Maggie Gallagher, owns marriage. It’s time folks on the right remembered that. Marriage is an institution that benefits all, and was made for all, regardless of gender or orientation.

Evidently, Maggie never learned how to play well with others in life’s sandbox.

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