Trump’s ‘Big News’ Falls Flat: $5 Million In Exchange For Obama Records

Donald Trump teased the media this week, claiming he had “very big news” about President Obama that all of the media would be racing to cover. Here it is: Trump is offering Barack Obama the chance to release his college transcripts, passport records, etc., and “within one hour” Trump will write a check to the charity of Obama’s choice, for “five million dollars.”

No doubt the Obama team is racing to tell the president.

Trump’s tease was that he had “very big news” about the President, not this carnival barker attempt to get attention. How lonely must this billionaire be?

Here’s the transcript from the Trump video, below:

Dr. Evil: Here’s the plan. We get the warhead, and we hold the world ransom for… (dramatic pause) … One. Million. Dollars.”
[The group is uncomfortably silent.]
Number Two: Don’t you think we should ask for more than a million dollars? A million dollars isn’t that much money these days.
Dr. Evil: All right then… (dramatic pause) …FIVE MILLION DOLLARS!
[Again, the group is uncomfortably silent.]
Number Two: Virtucon alone makes over nine billion dollars a year.

Oops. Perhaps we got confused.

Here’s Trump’s “offer,” and the video, below.

Frankly, I see little difference between the two.

But it does indicate where Trump gets his ideas.

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