Tracy Morgan Rant: The Man Who Outed The Anti-Gay Comedian, And Himself

The world, it seems, has heard all about comedian Tracy Morgan’s anti-gay, anti-women, anti-Obama, homophobic violent rant. Morgan’s rant was vile and most LGBT organizations — and The New Civil Rights Movement — have said, “not good enough.” All that said, it’s ironic, in hindsight, that it occurred during gay pride month.

What’s also ironic is the fact that the man who outed Tracy Morgan as a homophobe and a hater, outed himself in the process. Kevin Rogers, who attended Morgan’s Nashville show last weekend and wrote about it in a Facebook note, had to tell his parents that he is gay. He tells CNN that he never told them he is gay, and although he assumed they knew, it had never been a conversation. So, just hours before appearing on CNN, he told his parents.

What a great story!

Kevin Rogers is proof that one man can make a big difference. And all you have to do is use your voice, and say, “I don’t accept this.”

What a great lesson during Pride Month.

Thank you, Kevin Rogers.

READ: TRACY MORGAN: “Apology” Not Accepted?, and Tracy Morgan: Lesbians Hate Men, I’d Stab, Kill My Son If He Were Gay


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