Top Bachmann Aide: The Holy Ghost Told Me She Is The One For President

Peter Waldron, a top Bachmann aide, announced that the Holy Ghost told him that Michele Bachmann is the one for president. Waldron, Bachmann’s controversial faith-based advisor, told Steve Deace on the Steve Deace radio show that he had first interviewed with Herman Cain but then the Holy Ghost told him to go work for Michele Bachmann because she is the one for president.

READ: Bachmann Campaign’s Link To Uganda’s Kill The Gays Bill

As The New Civil Rights Movement wrote in August, leading Republican presidential candidate and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann had hired Peter Waldron as a senior staffer an Evangelical extremist who sees her rise to the presidency as fulfilling a Biblical prophesy, a man who spent time in jail on charges of gun smuggling and terrorism, a man who has direct ties to political and religious leaders who want to put to death all gay men and lesbians and all bisexual and transgender people in Uganda.

Waldron: I’m compelled by Scripture. If I may tell you the story of Michele Bachmann, how I came

Deace: Can you do it in 60 seconds?

Waldron: I can do it in less than 60 seconds.

Deace: Go ahead.

Waldron: I was interviewed by several candidates. I came to Iowa to be interviewed by Hermann Cain. I met with him at the Holiday Inn in downtown Des Moines. He was scheduled to speak at a home schooling event over at the capital. I went over to hear him speak and this woman came out and she spoke and the Holy Ghost said to me as I was standing there, uh, this is the one. And I left Des Moines, returned to my offices in Tennessee, I prayed and God said volunteer. So literally I volunteered for Michele Bachmann and a funny thing happened on the way to Des Moines.

Deace: Peter Waldron is here and he is working for the Michele Bachmann campaign and he makes the case that if you are an uncommitted values voters, she is your candidate.

Warren Throckmorton, who has provided in-depth reporting both on Waldron and Uganda, offers the above transcript, and writes:

Waldron made the case that Bachmann was the only candidate to look at every sector of society (law, politics, arts, etc) through a “biblical worldview” and thus the only candidate that God would bless to heal the nation. Waldron invoked I Chronicles 7:14 (“if my people pray and turn from their wicked ways, then…I will heal their land”) and said Bachmann was the only candidate who would bring prayer to the White House. Waldron compared Bachmann’s religious views to William Jennings Bryan and that this election is the most important election since the Civil War. Bachmann, says Waldron, is a Proverbs 31 woman who lives out her faith. Without such a President, the country is headed for a catastrophic end.

Host Deace asked Waldron what Bachmann would do about the Supreme Court rulings with which she disagreed. Specifically, Deace asked what Bachmann would do if the Supreme Court strikes down the Defense of Marriage Act. Deace believes that any law that “does not square” with God’s law is no law at all. Although he said he wasn’t speaking for Bachmann, Waldron’s answer was to defund the judges and/or impeach them. He did promise this on behalf of Bachmann:

I make three promises for her in the last 20 seconds – First, she will protect the people, she will promote righteousness and she will punish wickedness, all defined by the Bible.

As we’ve written before, given Michele Bachmann’s known positions on homosexuality, including calling it “part of Satan,” can there be any doubt how dangerous Michele Bachmann — clearly a dominionist — is?

READ: Bachmann To America’s Youth: We Serve God, Give Your Life Over To Jesus

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