Tony Perkins: Violence Against Women Act A “Slush Fund” Unfair To Men

Tony Perkins, head of Family Research Council, today called the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) currently under debate in the Senate a “slush fund” that’s unfair to men, and, after months of headlines about transvaginal probes, anti-abortion laws, attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, the politicization of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Perkins actually writes that the “the real record of protecting women is on the conservatives’ side.” But conservatives like Tony Perkins, who runs an SPLC-certified hate group, don’t like the VAWA because it uses taxpayer dollars to fund shelters for women, rape crisis centers and hotlines, provides programs and services for victims with disabilities, violence prevention programs, and protections for victims who are evicted from their homes because of events related to domestic violence or stalking.*

READ: The GOP War On Women Demands A New Women’s Rights Agenda for America

Calling Democrats the “real architects behind the ‘war on women,” and claiming the Left is trying to paint “Republicans as a party of sexist Neanderthals,” Perkins misogynistically cites the most anti-feminist woman alive, Phyllis Schafly and says she “explains how the bill discriminates against men and violates basic legal protocol. Even if a woman has no proof of the abuse, ‘any man who is accused of domestic violence effectively loses a long list of constitutional rights accorded to ordinary criminals’.”

Because it’s so easy to have proof of domestic violence when you’re running out the door of your home, possibly with your children, in fear for your life. It’s amazing Perkins doesn’t get this.

18 years ago, the Violence Against Women Act  was called “the greatest breakthrough in civil rights for women in nearly two decades.” Now, Perkins claims it is unfair to men, “a cheap political trick,” and a “fundraising ploy.”

“Instead of asking senators to reauthorize the original legislation, which cruised through Congress with bipartisan support, Sens. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) intentionally loaded the bill with provisions the GOP cannot support–like loopholes for immigration, millions more in spending, special homosexual protections, and more big government bureaucracy,” Perkins writes. “Their goal was to make the legislation so objectionable that Republicans would be forced to oppose it and fuel the lie that the GOP is anti-woman.”

Actually, the goal is to strengthen the law and recognize that in essence it applies to more than those who it originally covered. The update rectifies these wrongs. The problem Perkins and the Right have, is they just don’t like gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexual American, the undocumented, and, quite frankly, the poor — or those in need. In fact, Perkins calls the extension of protections to these groups “gratuitous add-ons.”

*VAWA description via Wikipedia.

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