Tony Perkins: Uganda President ‘Leading His Nation’ With ‘Kill The Gays’ Bill

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Tony Perkins today praised Uganda‘s president for “leading his nation” with the “Kill The Gays” bill, and called Uganda “a modern example of a nation prospered by God.”

Perkins made the stunning remarks today via Twitter:


Uganda has taken up its infamous Kill The Gays bill again, despite warning s from the international community, and despite likely withholding of foreign aid by some nations, including Great Britain. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have yet to weigh in on this latest round.

READ: Scott Lively: Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill’s Expected Passage A ‘Huge Blessing’

Some are claiming the death penalty has been removed from the Kill The Gays bill, but this is the third time the mainstream media has reported this “fact” is as many years. In other words, claiming the death penalty has been removed is a regular tactic for Uganda’s politicians.

The mainstream media has never ever reported that the death penalty has been added back in, yet they have no problem repeatedly reporting that it has again been removed.

Perkins is the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center-vertified anti-gay hate group, Family Research Council.

This summer, Perkins used the shooting at his Washington, D.C. headquarters, where a security guard was shot in the arm, to claim victim status.


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