Tony Perkins: Gay Marriage Will Eclipse Abortion — What Does That Say?

In the last line of a little-noticed report last week, Tony Perkins was quoted as stating that same-sex marriage “will make the abortion issue look minor.” Really? What does that say about Perkins’ priorities and credibility, and that of the radical religious right, whom he represents?

Seriously. Let’s examine this for a moment.

What Tony Perkins, head of the certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, is saying, (forgive me,) is that same-sex marriage is more evil than abortion.

To look at the two issues from the point of view of the religious right, abortion — in their minds, the murder of unborn babies — is less “wrong” than same-sex marriage.

The legal, civil recognition of two loving people who want to build a life together in equality, is worse than the “murder” of unborn children.

What is wrong with these people?

To be clear, I am vigorously in favor of a woman’s right to choose. Of course I don’t think abortion should be the preferred method of birth control — no one does. It is a last option, but it is totally a woman’s decision.

Also to be clear, I am obviously totally in favor of same-sex marriage being legal in every part of the country (the world, too, for that matter.)

When a group, like the religious right, places this much emphasis and invests this much time, energy, and money on trying to defeat same-sex marriage — which harms no one — instead of trying to make the world a better place, help the poor, the sick, the unemployed, the needy, and so on, can we all agree that it’s time the radical religious right just fades into oblivion?

All reasonable people, I think, can distinguish between abortion and same-sex marriage.

Comparing the two is, frankly, disgusting.

Only those so intolerant, only those so warped, only those who have lost all humanity would suggest that same-sex marriage is worse than abortion.

Hat-tip: Anthony O’ Brien

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