Todd Akin: We Must Eliminate Gay Marriage ‘To Preserve Our Civilization’

In 2006, Congressman Todd Akin stood on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to beg Congress “to preserve our civilization” by voting for a ban on same-sex marriage.

Towleroad smartly reposted this anti-gay marriage video of Akin’s this morning, but the original comes via Right Wing Watch, and just three weeks ago — way before Congressman Akin’s “legitimate” rape comments — RWW’s Brian Tashman, who’s done some excellent research, noted:

Akin is more than just a dogmatic conservative– he’s a darling of the Religious Right, earning perfect 100% ratings from the Family Research Council, National Right to Life and Concerned Women for America . Akin has also worked Religious Right with activists Tony Perkins, Janet Porter, Rick Scarborough, Tom DeLay and David Barton, who even recorded an ad on his behalf.

Akin gained notoriety after he told Perkins on his radio show that “at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God,” a remark he refused to apologize for.

The congressman is also a virulent opponent of LGBT rights, pushing a ban on same-sex unions of any form in the military and as Think Progress noted, has co-sponsored nearly every piece of anti-gay legislation in the current House session. He thinks that “the liberal agenda has infiltrated our military” due to the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and tried to overturn Washington, D.C.’s marriage equality law.

He took to the House Floor in 2006 with a warning that “anybody who knows something about the history of the human race knows that there is no civilization which has condoned homosexual marriage widely and openly that has long survived.”

In a documentary for Truth in Action Ministries, he claimed that the left “will snuff out the light of freedom” by “rewriting the history of America,” and warned that the health care reform law is “an unbiblical threat” that violated the Ten Commandments. Akin even believes that Medicare is unconstitutional, wants to eliminate the Departments of Education and Energy and the Environmental Protect Agency, wants to impeach judges for “making decisions not based on the U.S. Constitution,” and likens student loan reform to “stage three cancer.”

Akin said that Thanksgiving should be remembered as a day to renounce “unbiblical” socialism and that the U.S. should use the Pilgrim society as a model because the Pilgrims used the Bible as a “blueprint” for economic, education and government policies.

He consistently pushes anti-choice legislation and even said that legal abortion is the reason for illegal immigration: “If you think about it we’ve aborted however many – 40 million – Americans through abortion. If those Americans had not been aborted, we might have more laborers here. Consequently, America is not reproducing itself in terms of our own internal repopulation of having a bunch of kids.”

That last part should really scare you. Why? Akin is clearly a follower of the radical right wing religious theocrats and dominionists (just ask Andrew Sullivan,) who believe in “demographic winter.” What’s “demographic winter”? The totally xenophobic idea that Muslims are producing more children than whites, and the idea that France, for instnce, will no longer have French people.

Don’t believe me? Read this piece I wrote back in 2009, quoting Maggie Gallagher:

Maggie Gallagher: Conservatives Have More Babies To Try To Destroy Inevitability Of Gay Marriage

And watch the video in it to really understand…

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